Accomodation Procedures Student Disability Services

Accomodation Procedures Student Disability Services

Disability Accommodation Procedures

The University will provide reasonable accommodations to facilitate students with disabilities access to and participation in University programs, events, classes, and administrative activities. The accommodation process generally has four steps: (1) the student requests specific accommodations; (2) the student submits appropriate supporting documentation; (3) review of the request and documentation by the Student Disability Services Committee; (4) issuance of a decision by the Student Disability Services Committee.

Requesting Accommodations

有残疾的学生想要申请住宿以方便 获得和参与大学课程、活动、课程和行政管理 activities should submit their request to the Student Disability Services Coordinator, who is responsible for overseeing the University’s compliance with the ADA and Section 504.

有关课程、学习计划、学生宿舍和住宿的要求 dining should be submitted to the Student Disability Services 协调员通过学生残疾服务在线门户网站,可以找到 on online at

所有其他住宿要求,以及与住宿有关的任何问题, should be submitted to the Student Disability Services Director:

Inelda Acosta Ed.D., pHCLE
Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX
Direct: 972-721-5056
Facsimile: 972-265-5712
Haggar Student Center, First Floor 253
1845 E. Northgate Dr.
Irving, TX 75062

Submitting Supporting Documentation

In order to qualify for a reasonable accommodation based on disability, a student 必须提交学生残疾和相关功能的适当文件吗 limitations for which he or she is requesting accommodation(s). It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the Student Disability Services Coordinator and to submit appropriate documentation in a timely manner.

大学提供指导方针,以帮助学生和他们的医疗或 other properly credentialed professionals to submit the appropriate documentation required before an accommodation based on disability is granted. For more information 关于文档,以及具体的指导方针和验证表单,请参见 Student Disability Services documentation page: Documenting a Disability

一般来说,大学根据以下内容评估支持文件 factors:

  • 提交的文件是否提供了清晰的诊断说明,描述了 how the student’s condition was diagnosed, information about the functional impact 的诊断,并建议适当的住宿提供了许可 or otherwise properly credentialed professional who has undergone appropriate and comprehensive training, has relevant experience, and has no personal relationship with the individual being evaluated?
  • Are all documentation materials and evaluations personally typed and signed by the professional? Diagnoses written on prescription pads, handwritten, or stamped with a signature will not be accepted.
  • Is the documentation current? Common sense and discretion will be used in accepting older documentation of conditions that are permanent or non-varying. Generally speaking, 但是,应该有不超过三年的适当文件. Also, in some cases, the documentation may need to be more recent. The ADA如果文件更新或更新,协调员将通知学生 is needed in order to establish currency.

When a student provides documentation of his or her disability, the Student Disability Services 协调员将制作一份文件副本,并将原件退还 to the student if requested. Students may also scan the documentation and email or fax a copy to the Student Disability Services Coordinator.

Reviewing Accommodation Requests

Once the request is made and the supporting documentation is provided, the Student Disability Services Coordinator will submit the request and documentation to the University of Dallas Student Disability Services Committee for review. The Committee will determine if the student has a qualifying condition under the ADA/Section 504. The Student Disability Services 协调员将及时通知学生委员会的决定。 通常在提交请求和文件后的一到两(1-2)周内 to the Committee. In some cases, the Student Disability Services Coordinator may request additional documentation from the student.

基于残疾的任何和所有住宿要求将根据具体情况进行审查 basis with approval based on two factors:

  • Is the accommodation requested appropriate? A diagnosis of a disorder/condition/syndrome in and of itself does not automatically qualify an individual for accommodations.
  • Is the accommodation requested reasonable? Accommodations are designed to allow the 学生满足他或她所选课程或项目的相同基本要素 that are required of all students, with or without a disability.

Letters of Accommodation

If the Student Disability Services Committee authorizes a specific accommodation, the student will be provided with 一份住宿通知书,用以证明学生有权获得住宿 根据《云顶集团4008om》和第504条,以及 specific accommodations that the Committee has authorized/recommended. The student will also receive a letter from the Student Disability Services 为学生提供住宿方面的额外指导的协调员 and its implementation.

Accommodations for Academic Courses

学术课程的住宿是为了提供合理的住宿 这样学生就能参与到学校提供的教育机会中来 University. Accommodations may not alter the essential or fundamental instruction being pursued in the course. Because the essential or fundamental instruction being 在一门课程或一门课程的一部分中学习可能会有所不同,重要的是要让学生参与其中 professor in a discussion of the precise accommodations that should be implemented. 学术课程的住宿时间不得超过当前的学术课程 year without a new request.

Conferring with the Professor

已收到附有授权/推荐住宿的住宿信的学生 for academic courses should meet with each of his or her professors to discuss the implementation of reasonable accommodations in the specific academic course.

Agreed Accommodations

If the student and professor are able to agree on reasonable accommodations, they 双方是否都应该在住宿通知书上签字,注明住宿的任何变更 recommended in the letter.

然后,学生有责任归还商定的住宿信, or a copy, to the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator in a timely manner. Failure to timely return an approved 住宿通知书可能导致延迟执行批准的住宿.

学生和教授商定的住宿条件一般都应该执行 within one (1) week of the signing of the letter of accommodation. Accommodations are not retroactive.

Lack of Agreement regarding Accommodations

在某些情况下,学生和教授可能不同意的实施 reasonable accommodations in a specific course.

The student should notify the Student Disability Services Coordinator as soon as possible if the student and professor are not able to come to an agreement regarding the reasonable accommodations. The Student Disability Services Coordinator will attempt to negotiate a resolution of the disagreement.

If the Student Disability Services 协调员无法协商解决学生之间的分歧 与教授或学生通知后已过两(2)周以上 Student Disability Services 协调人对意见不合而未达成解决办法的,学生可 appeal to the Dean (or designee) who oversees the course in question. The appeal request should be submitted in writing to the Student Disability Services Coordinator. The decision of the Dean (or designee) on the student’s appeal is final.

Accommodations for a Program of Study

Like accommodations for an academic course, accommodations in regard to a program of study are intended to provide reasonable accommodations so that the student can participate in the educational opportunities offered by the University. Accommodations may not alter the essential or fundamental instruction being pursued in the program of study. If the Student Disability Services 委员会授权学生的住宿要求与学生的住宿有关 学习计划,住宿信必须提交给院长(或指定人员)。 of the student’s program of study. The Dean (or designee) will review the Committee’s recommendation and will issue his or her decision on what, if any, accommodations in regard to the program of study are reasonable. The student has the responsibility of returning the approved letter of accommodation, or a copy of it, to the Student Disability Services Coordinator in a timely manner. Failure to timely return an approved letter of accommodation may result in delay in the implementation of approved accommodations.

Accommodations Requiring Substitution of Courses

需要替换通常所需课程的住宿 (e.g.(如外语课程)由有关系的系主任审核。 如有替代课程,主席应在致函前提出建议 of accommodation is submitted to the Dean or designee of the student’s program of study.

The student has the responsibility of providing the letter of accommodation to the Chair for his or her review. In a timely manner, the Chair of the applicable Department(s) 将向院长或指定人员确定推荐的替代,或其他解释 for why substitutions cannot be recommended.


If the student is dissatisfied with the decision of the Dean (or designee) on the 为学习项目申请住宿,学生可以对该决定提出上诉 to the Provost (or designee). The decision of the Provost (or designee) is final.

Accommodations Relating to Housing or Dining

If the Student Disability Services 委员会批准住宿或餐饮,学生必须 submit his or her letter of accommodation to the Dean of Students (or designee). Accommodations relating to housing and dining are not granted for longer than the current academic year without a new request.

Accommodations Relating to Dietary Restrictions

The University’s food service provider, Aramark, is generally able to accommodate disability-based dietary restrictions. Aramark also works to accommodate other non-disability-based dietary restrictions for students. If a student is authorized to receive an accommodation 根据饮食限制,爱玛客必须事先审查具体的住宿条件 to submission of the letter of accommodation to the Dean of Students (or designee).

学生有责任向爱玛客提供住宿信 for its review. In a timely manner, Aramark’s representative will explain to the Dean of Students (or designee) how it will implement the authorized accommodations, or 否则证明爱玛客将无法满足授权的饮食限制 for the student.


如果学生对教务处(或指定人员)的决定不满意 根据住宿要求,学生可以向教务长提出上诉 (or designee). The decision of the Provost (or designee) is final.